
solved. Question
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Asked by Nelly229
CASE SCENARIO Charles Linger, age 11 years, meets with the school nurse, Harriet Wineburg, in the school health clinic after an altercation in the classroom. Charles had hit and screamed at another student. The teacher states that Charles became frustrated when a classmate called him “stupid,” and she also believes the class setting contributed to his agitation. The class was not following its regular schedule because the students were preparing for a Christmas program. The teacher noted that Charles’ behavior was better with a stable, regular schedule. Charles was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder at 1 year of age. At that age, he looked at his hands but not his parents; in fact, he ignored them. Although his parents found his behavior challenging, they loved and attended to him and sought the best treatment for his autism. At age 3, Charles paid attention to tall buildings and cars. He ran in circles, flapped his hands, and repeated phrases of speech; however, he seldom spoke, and when he did he used only single words. After his diagnosis, he was enrolled in a special school. His speech and social skills improved. He still displayed bizarre behavior, but he was a good student, learning by rote memory. He was transferred to a regular school at age 11. In that school, he was a good student but did not develop good relationships with his classmates. He did not seem to understand or appreciate appropriate social interactions. Periodically, he did not display appropriate behaviors and was sent to the nurse. Charles states, “The other kid deserved it. I don’t like him, anyway.”   USING THE NURSING PROCESS: 1- WRITE THE NURSING ASSESSMENT BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED INCLUDE SUBJECTIVE, OBJECTIVE DATA AND THE NURSE’S PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE   2- PROVIDE THE NURSING DIAGNOSTIC AT LEAST 2   3- WRITE THE NURSING CAR PLAN WITH THE OUTCOME GOALS   4- PROVIDE THE IMPLEMENTATION USING THIS FORMAT BELOW: Short-Term Goals Intervention Rationale Evaluation   5- PROVIDE THE EVALUATION



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