solved. Question
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Asked by nicholeg0618
The Board of Trustees has asked for a detailed action plan to promote a zero-harm culture. At the weekly nursing leadership meeting, one of the directors relates that a colleague recommended daily safety huddles on each unit within the facility. The purpose of these rounds is to address any adverse events or near misses in the last 24 hours, to identify equipment that may not be working properly and to address safety hazards for staff and patients.
You are a nurse manager and have been asked by your chief nursing executive for notes to use in her PowerPoint presentation for a Board of Trustees. Provide information on best practices in safety rounds for senior leadership and provide a rough draft of guidelines and a daily checklist for use in huddles. As the organizer, you should include:
Present the purpose of safety rounds in all settings
Provide a summary of best practices in safety rounds
Develop guidelines for rounds which includes:
Participants who should be present and their expertise
The suggested frequency of safety rounds
Items which should be included in a checklist
Provide a quality process map for delegation of responsibility and timelines for resolution
Propose quality indicators to measure the effectiveness of the rounds