
solved. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by Imoh123

1 For the normal form of the vertebra (spine) is characterized by?:
a. The presence of cervical and lumbar kyphosis, thoracic and sacrococcygeal lordosis, Absent
deviations in the sagittal plane.
b. The presence of cervical and lumbar lordosis, thoracic and sacrococcygeal kyphosis in frontal plane,
slight deviations in the sagittal plane are allowed,
c. The presence of cervical and lumbar lordosis, thoracic and sacrococcygeal kyphosis in frontal plane,
Absent deviations in the sagittal plane.
d. The presence of the third physiological curves of the spine.

2 The thickness of subcutaneous fatty tissue at the angle of the shoulder blade in men is normally?:
a . 1,5-1.0 cm
b . 0,2-0.5 cm
c . 2.0 – 2.5 cm
d . 0.8-1.0 cm,
e . 2.5-3.0 cm.

3- On examination, the degree of muscular development is assessed as?:
a. Good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory,
b. Normal, satisfactory, unsatisfactory,
c . Hypertrophic, normal, hypotrophic,
d . Good, satisfactory, weak,
e . Hypersthenic, normal, hyposthenic.

4. The method of somatoscopy is assessed?:
a. Height, weight, thickness of subcutaneous fat, Vital Lung Capacity (VLC), chest volume.
b. . Quetelet’s index, power indicator, vital indicator, physique strength(strong body build).
c. Skin, mucous membranes, muscle development, chest shape, posture, leg shape,

5 The anthropometric profile is drew based on the method?:
a . Correlation,
b. Anthropometric indices,
c. The percentiles,
d. Anthropometric standards,
e. Quetelet’s index.

6. The deviation of the spine(vertebra) in the frontal plane are called? :.
a . Thoracic kyphosis and lordosis,
b. Right-sided scoliosis
c . Kyphosis and lordosis

7. Scoliotic posture is called?:
a . The deviation of the spine in the frontal plane,
b. Physiological curves are smoothed out or completely absent.
c. An increase in thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis.
d. Deviation of the spine in the sagittal plane.

8. The subject should touch the height meter when examining the body length while sitting as
follows Points?:
a. The interscapular space, occipital
b. Sacral bone, occipital
c. Sacrum, interscapular space
d. Back(spine), occipital
e. Sacral bone, thoracic of vertibral, occipital

9. Functional tests with a change in body position in space include?:
a. Shtange’s and Genche’s test
b. orthostatic and clinostatic test
c. Navaki test
d. Martine-Kushelevsky’sTest.

10. The Quetelet’s index is?:
a. The relationship of VLC to body weight
b. The relationship of height to body weight

c. The relationship of body weight to half height.
d. The relationship of body weight to height

11. In the Martine-Kushelevsky’s test, the recovery time of the pulse to the initial values after 20
squats in healthy does not exceed?:
a) 3.5 minutes;
b) 2 minutes;
c) 4.0 minutes;
d) is an individual values

12. The change in pulse rate during a clinostatic test from 78 to 66 beats per minute indicates
About the reaction?:
a. Increased
b. Normal
c. Negative.
d. decreased

13. What types of reactions in the cardiovascular system by physical load do you know?:
a . Normotonic, hypotonic, hypertonic, dyskinetic,
b . Normotonic, hypotonic, hypertonic, dystonic, stepped,

c. Normostenic, asthenic, hypertonic, stepwise, dyskinetic,
d. Normotonic, asthenic, hypersthenic, dystonic, atonic,
e. Normotonic, asthenic, hypertonic, dyskinetic, stepped.

14. Indicators of the circulatory system with a stepped type of reaction after 20 squats?:
a) SBP after loading is higher than in the 2nd minute;
b) SBP after loading is lower than in the 2-3rd minute;
c) pulse excitability is more than 100%, SBP is weak or does not change at all.
d) SBP after loading is higher than in the 3rd minute;

15. About The excitability of the sympathetic part of the vegetative nervous system that is allows us
to suggest?;
a. Orthostatic test
b. Shtange’s test
c. Martine Kushelevsky’s test

16.What the following are considered normal indicators for a clinostatic test?:
a) an increase in pulse rate of not more than 6 beats in 1 minute;
b) an increase in pulse rate of not more than 10-14 beats in 1 minute;
c) slowing the pulse by no more than 6 beats in 1 minute;
d) slowing the pulse by no more than 8-14 beats in 1 minute.

17. The normotonic type of reaction of blood pressure to the load is characterized by?:
a) increased pulse rate by 100%, slightly increased SBP ; DBP does not change or increase;
b) increased pulse rate of more than 120-150%, slightly SBP increases or does not change, DBP slightly
c) pulse rate, indicators(measured numbers) of SBP and DBP are practically unchanged.
d) increased pulse rate by 60-80%(palpitation); an increase in SBP by 30-50% in comparison to the
initial (%)level, a decrease in DBP by 10-15%;

18. Signs of reaching the threshold of tolerance to physical load are considered all
listed except?:
a. pronounced pallor of the skin
b. Disorders of coordination of movements
c. Complaints about short of breathing
d. Accelerated heartbeat(tachycardia)
e. blurred of vision , blurred and confused in consciousness.

19. Determine the type of reaction of the cardiovascular system if, after testing 20 squats
per 30 sec the subject’s pulse increased from 12 beats in 10 seconds up to 25 beats for 10
sec., arterial pressure has changed from 120/80 to 180/95 mm Hg?:
a. hypertonic,
b. Normotonic,

c . Hypotonic,
d. Dystonic
e. Stepped

20. By Martin Kushelevsky’s testing for a hypotonic type of reaction to the load is characteristic?:
a. SAP increasing slightly, does not change or even decreasing, pulse acceleration is 100%, DBP –
Decreased to 0.
b. SAP does not change, pulse acceleration by 60-80%, DBP – does not change.
c. SAP slightly increasing , does not change or even decreasing, pulse acceleration is more than 120-150%,DBP – does not change or rises;

21. The phenomenon of “infinite tone” is characterized by?:
a . a significant increase in SBP (up to 180-200 mm Hg), a decrease in DBP to 0, a significant
acceleration of the pulse – more than 100%;
b. SBP is slightly increased (up to 160 mm Hg), a decrease in DBP to 0, an acceleration of the pulse to
c . a significant decrease in SBP, DBP decreased to 0, a pulse acceleration of 100%;
d . SBP is practically unchanged, but DBP decreased to almost 0.

22. Therapeutic exercise is contraindicated?:
a. In the first immobilization period.
b. Chronic renal failure III stage
c. In the preoperative period
d. In acute myocardial infarction

23. Dynamic breathing exercises include?:
a. Exercises that change the type of breathing (full, chest, diaphragmatic)
b. Dosed resistance exercises
c. Sound gymnastics
d. all answers are correct
e. All answers are incorrect

24. Physical exercises which the patient mentally performs with the sending of an impulse are
a) active;
b) passive;
c) ideomotor.

25. For what purpose are breathing exercises used?:
a To improvement and activation of external respiration function
b. To strengthen of the respiratory muscles,
c. To. prevention of pulmonary complications (pneumonia, atelectasis, pleural adhesions, pleuro cardiac
adhesions, etc.)
d. to reduce physical load during and after exercise.
e. All of the above.

26. With special exercises for masticatory muscles include?:
a. Slow maximum mouth opening
b. Retraction of the upper lip under the teeth of the upper jaw at the same time (with the simultaneous)
movement of the lower lip up.
c. The maximum frequent opening of the mouth with the pronunciation of sounds “Pa-Pa-Pa”.
d. Raising eyebrows, wrinkling forehead

27. The training motor regime regulates?:
a. Only to intensity of physical load
b . Only to continuous of physical load
c. The intensity and continuously of physical load are not regulated
d. The patient needs permanently medical supervision

28. Special exercises for mimic facial muscles include?:
a. Lateral movements of the lower jaw
b. move down the lower lip and raising the upper.
c. Inflating the right and left cheeks in turn

d. Slow maximum mouth opening

29. what the meaning about Bed motor regime regulationfBed motor for routine maintenance)?.
a. The patient serves himself, but needs medical supervision
b. The patient needs medical supervision and does not serve himself
c. The patient’s condition does not require regulation of the intensity and continuously of physical load.

30. Free motor regimen is prescribed for patients who ?:
a) require permanently medical supervision, but self service;
b) do not require permanently medical supervision and self service;
c) require a special motor regimen, permanently medical supervision.

31. When performing isotonic exercises muscle length?:
a. does not change
b. muscle lengthens and shortens
c. exercises are performed mentally with a message sending to the muscle

32. The mechanism of the therapeutic effect of physical rehabilitation aimed at stimulating blood
anv lymph circulation of working muscles and the whole body?.
a. tonic
b. Compensatory
c. Trophic
d. body recovery

33. The mechanism of the therapeutic effect of physical rehabilitation aimed at compensation to
speech,chewing, swallowing dysfunction, due to undamaged tissues?.
a. Tonic
b. Compensatory
c. Trophic
d.. body recovery

34. The mechanism of the therapeutic effect of physical rehabilitation aimed at recovery impaired
function of facial and chewing muscles?
a. Tonic’
b. Compensatory
c. Trophic
d. recovery

35. for evaluation the effectiveness of the act of chewing use?:
a. Gnatodynamometry
b. Masticiography
c. Rubinov’s test
d. Gelman’s test

36. When performing the Rubinov’s test use?:
a. 5 gram almonds
b. 5 gram of hazelnut
c. 800 mg hazelnut
d. 5 gram of dry peas

37. How many phases are classify during mastiography?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 2
d. 6

38. Which the method is determining the value of chewing pressure?
a. Rubinov’s test
b. Gnatodynamometry
c. Myotonometry
d. Masticiography

39. The first phase of chewing during masticiography is:
a. The time of the main chewing function

b. The rest phase of the lower jaw
c. Formation and swallowing of food(ingestion)

40. The chewing time during the Gelman’s test is?:
a. 30 sec.
b. 50 sec.
c. before the appearance of the swallowing reflex
d .6 sec.

41. Therapeutic gymnastics are contraindicated?:
a. in a bad mood
b. with bleeding
c . in case of sleeplessness (insomnia)
d. with constipation
e. with bronchial asthma

42. Special exercises used to increase muscle tonus, are?:
a. stretching- traction exercises
b. coordination exercises
c. ideomotor exercise
d. relaxation exercises
e. breathing exercises

43. Walking with closed eyes an exercise is?:
a. for balancing and coordination
b. corrective

c. drainage
d. isometric
e. ideomotor

44. The hospital stage of rehabilitation includes?:
a. sparing regimen
b. sparing-training regimen
c. outpatient care
d. strict bed rest
e. preparatory care

45. Sound exercises have?:
a. drainage act
b. corrective act
c. relaxing effect
d. stimulating
e. reflex effect

46. Exercises for small muscle groups include?:
a. exercises for the muscles of the trunk body
b. exercises for the shoulder girdle
c. breathing exercises
d. exercises for the muscles of the hand and foot
e. abdominal exercises

47. For respiratory exercises include?:
a. corrective
b. detorsion
c. symmetrical
d. sound
e. ideomotor

48. The exercises performed mentally are called?:
a. ideomotor
b. isometric
c. reflex
d. passive

e. symmetrical

49. The facial nerve innervates?:
1. chewing muscles
2. vivic facial muscles
3. chewing and mimic facial muscles
4. chewing muscles and salivary glands
5. cheek skin

50. What moments are included in the treatment of the situation with neuritis of the facial nerve?
1. sleep on the healthy side
2. sleep on the affected side
3. sleep on the back
4. sleeping on the side
5. sleep on the stomach

1.In the preoperative period, patients emitting large the amount of sputum, how
many times a day it is necessary to perform exercises aimed at drainage of the
a .2 – 3.
b .4 – 6.
c .8 – 10.


2.. In the preoperative period for lung diseases massage appoint?
a .yes.
b .no.

3.. After what time after removal of the lobe of the lung is prescribed therapeutic
physical exercises?
1. 1 to 2 hours after the end effectiveness of the anesthesia.
2. after 24 hours.
3. after 2 days.

4.. Massage of the chest on the 2-nd day after segmentectomy is.
1. indicated.
2. not indicated.

5.. What type of breathing exercises is preferred .In the first days after lung surgery?.
1. chest type of breathing.
2. respiratory type.
3. diaphragmatic type of breathing.
4. full breath.

6.. When are patients transferred to free mode after lung operations?
a .4 – 7 days.
b .7 – 10 days
c .14 – 16 days.

7.. After what time after appendectomy can therapeutic physical exercise be
1. In the first 3 to 5 hours after surgery.
2. after 1 day after surgery.
3. 2 days after surgery.

8.. After what time after appendectomy the patient is shown chest massage?
a. in 1 day after surgery.

b. for 2 days.
c. On 3 – 4 days.

9. What are the indications for postpartum breathing gymnastic?
a. fever.
b. a perineal rupture of 1-2 degrees.
c. weakness due to difficult birth.

10. Indicate contraindications for the appointment of breathing gymnastic in case of
anomalies in the position of the female genital organs.
l. fixed uterine retroflexion.
2. Hypereneflexia of the uterus.
3. descent of the vagina.
4. omission of the uterus.
5. exacerbation of chronic salpingoadnexitis.

11-In what sequence is it necessary to carry out procedures with fixed retrof
a. breathing gymnastic before physical procedures and massage.
b. breathing gymnastic 1 hour after physical treatment and massage.

12. What remedies and forms of therapeutic physical exercise are used in the acute
period pneumonia in young children?
a. general massage.
b. breathing exercises.
c. Passive exercises for limbs.
d. MHG -morning hygienic gymnastics.
e. corrective gymnastics.

13. What is the duration of breathing gymnastics exercise in children in the acute
period of pneumonia?
a .10 – 12 minutes.
b. 15 – 20 minutes
c .5 – 8 minutes
d .12 – 13 minutes.

14. What is the leading task of exercise physical therapeutic for pneumonia in young
children during the growth of the body.
1.reduction of congestion in the lungs.
3. Strengthening the respiratory muscles.
4. compensation of respiratory failure.
5. Improving emotional tonus.

15. A student of 17 years in physical exercice. after physical exertion(20 squats in
30 seconds) notes moderate weakness, skin integument pale. The pulse of 16 beats
in 10 seconds, blood pressure 120/70 mm hg. after 50 seconds load – pulse is 12
beats in 10 seconds, blood pressure 130/70 mm hg. Define Type reactions of the
cardiovascular system to physical activity?.
1. Dystonic
2. Normotonic
3. Hypertonic
4. Hypotonic
5. Stepped
6. all of the above

16. A wrestler of 17 years, began to train 2 days after the flu. There are no
complaints. A clinical examination revealed no deviations.
On an ECG: in II and V5 leads – decreasing of T wave, in I and aVL – an isoelectric
line of Twave , in V3 and V4 – negative T wave. After termination of ECG training
normalized. Make a preliminary diagnosis?.
1. Myocardial infarction

2. Myocardial dystrophy due to physical stress
3. Rheumatic heart disease
4. Cardiomyopathy
5. Myocarditis cardiosclerosis

17.How to evaluate the Stange’s test with a result of 25s.?
1. physiological norm
2. decreased respiratory function
3. increase the function of external respiration

18. If there are symptoms of myocardial overstrain in an athlete on an ECG
(decrease in T segment by 2 mm, flattening and two-humped of T wave) what
should be done?
1. continue training
2. stop training
3. prescribe outpatient treatment (metabolites, vitamins, tranquilizers, potassium
preparations, Ð’ – adrenergic blockers)
4. to prescribe treatment in a hospital, bed rest

19. What the special physical exercises are used to treat asthma in the onset?
1. sound gymnastics.
2. Exhale breath holding exercise.
3. dynamic breathing exercises.
4. AII the answers are correct.

20ercises for bronchiectasis with lower lobar bronchiectasis?
2. sitting on a chair.
3. lying on a couch with a raised leg.

21. What exercises are indicated for a patient with acute pneumonia, In half-bed
1.static breathing exercises.
2. dynamic breathing exercises.
3. weighted exercises.
4. exercises on shells.
5. exercises with shells.

22. If physical activity corresponds to functional the state of the body in a patient
with Dx./: Acute pneumonia, then the frequency breathing?
1. decreases by 1 – 2 breaths.
2.increases by 2 to 3 breaths
3.increase by 6 to 8 breaths.

23. What the exercises are indicated for patients with bronchial asthma in the
period of remission?
1. balance exercises.
2. drainage breathing exercises.
3. weighted exercises.
4. sound gymnastics.

24. What forms of exercise therapy should be prescribed to a patient with bronchial
asthma, severe process , in the interictal period on outpatient treatment phase?
1 . morning hygienic gymnastics (MYG).
2 .therapeutic gymnastics.
3 .dosed walking.
4 . jogging.

25. What methods of chest massage are used in patients with asthma during an
1. rubbing.
2. kneading,
3. vibration.

4. stroking.

26. In what initial position is therapeutic gymnastics performed during an attack of
bronchial asthma?
1. lying on your back.
2. Lying on the right side.
3. Lying on its back with a raised upper half of the body.
4. sitting on a chair, facing the back, putting his hands on it.

27. Massage what area of the body is indicated for patients with acute pneumonia,
who is on bed rest ?.
1. chest massage.
2. Massage of the collar area.
3. massage of the lower and upper limbs.
4. general massage.

28. What are the techniques of classical chest massage used in patients with acute
pneumonia on bed rest?
1. rubbing.
2. kneading.
3. stroking.
4. vibration.

29. What forms of therapeutic physical exercise are indicated for patients in the
long-term postoperative period after lobectomy?
1 . morning hygienic gymnastics.
2 .therapeutic gymnastics.
3 .dosed walking.
4 . terrenkur.
5 .hydrokinesitherapy.
6 .all of the above

30.In what cases in acute pneumonia the therapeutic physical exercise is contraindicated?
a. severe intoxication, high fever.
b. Respiratory failure 3 degrees.
c. tachycardia more than 100 beats in 1 min.
d .1,2,3 not correct

31.What remedy and forms of therapeutic physical exercise are used in the rehabilitation of
patients with acute pneumonia with half-bed mode at the stationary stage of rehabilitation?
a. morning hygienic gymnastics.
b. therapeutic gymnastics.
c. dosed walking.
d. Postural drainage.
e. massage.
f,all of the above

32. What are the contraindications for the appointment of therapeutic physical exercise for
bronchiectatic disease?
a. pulmonary hemorrhage.
b. severe cardiovascular failure.
c . Single streaks of blood in the sputum.
d .subfebrile temperature.
e .all of the above

1. What are the assessments of physical development when using the method of standards?
a .harmonious
b .good

c . sufficient
d . average
e .bad




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