
solved. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by AmbassadorRainWallaby20

 Instructions: Please complete each question. Provide the page number and section supporting each question (to receive credit points). Each question is worth 1 point for a total of 40 points. Please do not “copy and paste” your response from the book. Summarize your response in 1-2 sentences in your own words. APA 7th edition 


Example Question:

What format should the title be on the title page? Provide the page & section number.


Example Answer:

Pg. 32 Section 2.4: The paper’s title should be bolded, centered, and located in the upper half of the title page.


Paper’s Format, Style, and Grammar 

What format do you use for level one and level two heading? Provide the page & section number. (Worth 2 points)



Provide an example of level one:



Provide an example of level two:


Bias-Free Language

What spelling and capitalization is used for racial and ethnic terms? Provide the page & section number. (Worth 2 points)



Provide an example:



What is the proper way to report socioeconomic status? Provide the page & section number. (Worth 2 points)




Provide an example:


Mechanics of Style 

When is a double quotation mark used? Provide the page & section number.




When do you use numerals to express numbers? Provide the page & section number.





When do you express numbers in words? Provide the page & section number.




What format do you use for an abbreviation the first time it will be used in the text? Provide the page & section number. (worth 2 points)



Provide an example:



Works Credited in the Text/Reference List

What is a primary source? Provide the page & section number.




What is a secondary source? Provide the page & section number.



Below is an insert from an article. Write a paraphrase narrative and parenthetical citation, using your own words:

Image transcription text

Academic success of undergraduate nursing students Q Article |
a Peer-reviewed | No other editions or formats Journal: Nurse
Education in Practice v33 (Nov 2018) 172-177

Image transcription text

Defining academic success can be challenging. Universities may define
academic success as good standing with grades or making sa- tisfactory
progress toward completing degree requirements. However, gr… Show more

Write a narrative citation (worth 2 points):



Write a parenthetical citation (worth 2 points):



How do you reference two different works written by the same author in the same year in the reference list and parenthetical reference?



How do you reference authors with the same surname in the reference page and parenthetical reference?


What is a DOI? Where is the DOI placed in the reference page?M
NR 103



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