solved. Question
Asked by acenursegrade
A 5-year-old girl has had a cough and runny nose (yellowish discharge) for the past 3 days. Her mother brought her for an evaluation as her left eye became pink and the right eye is also starting to get pink. Her daughter keeps rubbing them. The mother says there was a little discharge that was like mucus, but she wiped it away before coming to get checked. The physical examination reveals an active, alert girl. Her ears and lungs are within normal limits (WNL). Yellowish discharge is noted from the nose, and her oropharynx is mildly erythematous; however, there is no tonsillar enlargement or exudate. Her eyes have conjunctival erythema and mild edema—the left eye greater than the right eye. Mild crusting at the lid but no discharge is noted.Â
Provide responses to the items below.Â
Most likely cause including pathogen –
Mode of transmission –
Discuss data that supports your decision –
Treatment strategies –