solved. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by Karamje
Kaye is an 82-year-old woman who lives in an aged care residence. She sadly was widowed six months ago and has been at the residence ever since. Kaye has no family and just a few other close friends. Kaye is a very bright and independent person, but has found it difficult to make the transition to aged care residential living. She values and tries to maintain her independence.
A couple of months ago, Kaye met a man named Jim who has since become her very close friend. Jim now regularly visits Kaye at the residence, however he often closes the door and has a couple of beers in her room. Jim usually visits once a week, staying for a few hours each time. He is very pleasant and courteous to the other residents when he visits.
Some of the senior members of staff at the residence are not happy with the situation and do not believe that Jim and Kaye should be left alone in the room together to drink. The staff call Kaye into the office to communicate their concerns, ultimately asking her to entertain Jim in the communal area of the residence instead of alone in her room. Kaye is upset and contacts her local advocacy service for support.
You as an advocate, visit kaye to discuss her concerns. You hear kaye’s story at length and then provide kaye with information about her rights as a resident (you will need to research kaye’s rights to form the dialogue for your role play). You offer Kaye support and options about how she may go about dealing with the situation, suggesting that she speak to the manager or instead utilise the external complaints system.
You brief Kaye on the positives and negatives of each option, however inform her that the way in which the issue is handled is left entirely up to her . you settle kaye’s nerves by assuring her that you can seek external assistance from an appropriate community service or regulatory body if required, in the event the situation require escalation, Kaye decides to meet with residency supervisor to discuss her concerns,requesting that the advocate be present to support her during the meeting.
During the meeting, you allow Kaye to express how she feels before communicating her rights as a client of their service. At the end of the meeting, the Supervisor is better able to understand how they have impinged on kay’s rights, They agree not to interfere in kaye’s lifestyle choice again, Kaye feels more comfortable with the situation and Jim continues to visit. The advocate agrees to follow up with Kaye in two weeks to check that all is going well.
The Role Play exercise has three parts; Part A, Part B and Part C. You will be observed by your assessor
and will be required to demonstrate the skills identified on the Role Play checklist.
Part A – Report Research
Once you have read the Role Play you will then conduct independent research to identify how you would act as the advocate and what advice you would give Kaye in this situation. This will act as your research for reporting. Evidence should be written in point form below.
Part B – Action The Role Play
You are required to get into pairs, then take turns acting as the Advocate and Client. The Assessor will act in the role of Supervisor. You will then be required to demonstrate an appropriate formal advocacy and representation service for each Role Play. Use your findings from Part A while acting as Advocate.
Part C – Reflection Report
Upon the completion of the Role Play, you will be required to write a brief reflection report addressing the effectiveness of the strategies used and how you can improve on them. The evaluation should consolidate your ability to effectively evaluate your performance, identify areas for improvement and affirm foundational skills.
As you are an advocate sent from a community service organisation, your report will be reviewed by your managers, so it is necessary to accurately document your experience. You will need to answer short response questions as follows:
a)How did you identify relevant interests and concerns of your client?
b) What type of advocacy service did you provide and the functions of it?
c) List the framework you followed in order to achieve kaye’s objectives,
d) What kind of legal and ethical issues did you have to address?
e) How did you promote and represent kay’s intrest in this role play
f) What systems did you utilise that supported advocacy and the processes of representation and
g) How did you determine the potential impact of developments and decisions on kaye’s objectives
h) Measure success your success – is there anything you would change, improve upon or suggest to the client for future?