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Asked by ElBandido30
Mrs. Young brings in her 4 month old son Ethan for a well-child exam. History includes that Mom’s pregnancy was uneventful and Mom has no chronic conditions and was on no medications but prenatal vitamins during her pregnancy. Ethan was a full term infant, delivered by C section due to prolonged labor. There were no complications after birth and Mom and the infant went home together on the third day post birth. His height, weight and head circumference are all at the 95th percentile on the growth chart. He has been nursing about every three hours during the day and once at night. He has 6-8 wet diapers and one stool every other day. Mom has several concerns including 1) if he is gaining too much weight, 2) should he start on solids at this point, 3) if he should be sleeping through the night and 4) she is concerned about his “constipation.” What other information should you gather? How would you respond to Mom’s concerns and what anticipatory guidance would you share with Mom? Discuss the physical activity guideline for adults aged 18-64 and 65 years and older found in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015. Discuss the key