solved. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by vetandderick
Introduce your DPI Project to your peers. Present the background information for the problem addressed in your project and explain how the project will advance population outcomes. How do the foundational statements align (problem statement, purpose of the project, and clinical question)?
My Project: Using a Chest Pain Pathway Tool to Reduce the Length of Stay
Chest pain is one of the most common complaints in patients
presenting to an emergency department. Delays in management due to a lack
of readily available objective tests to risk stratify patients with possible acute
coronary syndromes can lead to an unnecessarily lengthy admission placing
pressure on hospital beds or inappropriate discharge. The need for a co-
ordinated system of clinical management based on enhanced communication
between departments, timely and appropriate triage, clinical investigation,
diagnosis and treatment was identiï¬ed
DNP 955A