which workflow processes should be decentralized and which processes should stay at their present lo. Question
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Asked by Tros13
which workflow processes should be decentralized and which processes should stay at their present location?
The HIM staff are responsible for developing downtime procedures for the six-month duration of the project. Things to be considered include the potential of losing staff, the reassignment of many current staff to new roles, and the learning curve of adapting to the new processes. Employees need to expect a learning curve. They will need time to adjust to the new processes and become acclimated in the new system. The new system will also require staff to perform system maintenance and resolve problem tickets. Currently, there is no additional compensation for transitioning into a new or different position.
HIM staff that previously completed manual tasks such as picking up records from the floor, sorting the records, scanning the records, and storing old records for 90 days before destroying them will now complete digital administrative tasks. These digital tasks include ensuring digital records are complete and assigning them to a work queue if additional signatures or authorization is needed before they are sent to Revenue Cycle Services. This will cause a reduction in staff. There is no grandfather clause that will automatically allow employees to keep their positions. Current HIM staff will have to interview for the new HIM positions.
Release of Information (ROI) staff will no longer have to print and fax records as they did in the old system. Now they will be able to fulfill record requests directly from the new EHR.
This will cause a reduction in staff needed in this role. Current ROI staff will have to interview for the new HIM technician positions.
Those who are not chosen will remain to scan paper records on a six-month contract. At the end of the six months, they can either transfer to another department or accept a three-month severance package.
Deficiency Tracking/Data Management staff will no longer assign deficiencies and take paper charts to the incomplete room. Deficiency analysts in the digital system will assign deficiencies and will serve as a liaison between the HIM department and clinicians in support of optimizing the EHR workflow. Physicians currently have incomplete paper records at multiple sites. Once the EHR system is implemented, physicians will have a mix of incomplete paper and digital records until all paper records are signed and complete. They will perform deficiency assignments by sending them to the provider’s inbox in the system. They will also work on transcription errors and “missing documentation” work queues.
This will cause a reduction in staff. Current Deficiency Tracking/Data Management staff will have to interview for the new HIM deficiency analyst positions.
Those who are not chosen will remain to scan in paper records on a six-month contract. At the end of the six months, they can either transfer to another department or accept a three-month severance package.
A new Clinical Documentation Improvement team will be located in the centralized location. There will be four new positions created for this team. They will be able to work onsite or remotely. This will be a lateral move for the coding staff. The salary for the new positions will come from the existing allocation for the Revenue Cycle staff.
The role requires a Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT) or Registered Health Information Administrator (RHIA) credential and five years of experience.
Seven of the current coders are considering this position, yet only three are academically qualified, possessing an RHIT or RHIA. The remaining four c
coders hold a Certified Professional Coder (CPC) certification, and they have been with the organization for over 10 years. They are also familiar with the physicians.
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which workflow processes should be decentralized and which processes should stay at their present lo