Watch the video Typhoid Mary – The Most Dangerous Woman in America – Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by ruhighuman
Watch the video Typhoid Mary – The Most Dangerous Woman in America –
How did scientists and public officials handle Mary’s particular case?
How does this compare to the management of the 1918 and COVID 19 pandemics?
How did the handling by public officials effect the public’s view of Mary and the disease of typhoid fever?
How did the handling by public officials effect the public’s view of the two pandemics?
In what other ways do scientists affect the outcomes of public understanding? Does the public always listen to the scientists? Why or why not?
In the nature of science, it is often scientists’ responsibility to provide insight into areas of public concern. How did the scientists do that with Mary’s case and the two pandemics? How do they continue to do that today?
Discuss one strategy you would recommend to manage the conflict between competing priorities of civil liberties and public health.
Incorporate scholarly evidence into the discussion response. Cite source of evidence in APA format.
NURS 8114S
Watch the video Typhoid Mary – The Most Dangerous Woman in America –