The current time is 2000 and your patient Mrs Firth DOB 22/01/1931 is under Dr. Jones. She return

  The current time is 2000 and your patient Mrs Firth DOB 22/01/1931 is under Dr. Jones. She return. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by MinisterPuppy15355


The current time is 2000 and your patient Mrs Firth DOB 22/01/1931 is under Dr. Jones. She returned from the operating theatre at 1600 post ORIF. Mrs Firth was admitted with a # R) NOF yesterday following a fall in the garden and? LOC. The PACU nurse has verbally handed over the patient to the student nurse and RN. The PACU nurse at 1600 stated that Mrs Firth has a patent IV cannula in the L) cubital fossa, NKDA, her dressing is intact, and she has history of mild hypertension, asthma and recurrent UTI’s. She is A & O, afebrile with a BP of 120/62, P – 88 & regular, R – 14, GCS is 15, pain score is 3/10 post analgesia. Mrs Firth stated she is feeling N and V, at 19.30, however, has declined an antiemetic.  Mrs Firth is on 4L NP and saturating at 97% SpO2. NVO on the (R) leg is intact, and as per Drs orders neurological observations to be ceased at midday tomorrow. Ensure FBC is up to date.  

Dr reviewed the patient at 19.45 and prescribed IV fluids N/Saline over 3 hours to be re – commenced at 2000. Please ensure she is kept up to date with post-op observations, pain relief & monitor FBC. Please administer her daily subcutaneous injection.  

                                                            Question set 1 IMI 

Why is z-track technique used in administering injections? Describe the steps of z- track technique. (Standard 1 & 6) 

Your patient is complaining of N&V. Using the patients’ medication chart, discuss what medications are available for you to administer, which you would administer and why. Demonstrate how you would sign the medication chart? (Standard 1, 6 & 7) 

Your patient has refused their anti- emetic medication. Discuss what you would communicate with the patient about this and what actions would you take? (Standard 

2, 5, 6) 

Your patient has agreed to taking an anti-emetic via IM route. What are the IMI sites of medication administration? On the mannikin, demonstrate how you will locate the ventrogluteal site? (Standard 1 & 4) 


  The current time is 2000 and your patient Mrs Firth DOB 22/01/1931 is under Dr. Jones. She return


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