
  The current time is 2000 and your patient is Mrs Firth, DOB 22/01/1931 under Dr. Jones Mrs Firth

  The current time is 2000 and your patient is Mrs Firth, DOB 22/01/1931 under Dr. Jones Mrs Firth . Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by MinisterPuppy15355


The current time is 2000 and your patient is Mrs Firth, DOB 22/01/1931 under Dr. Jones

Mrs Firth was admitted with a # R) NOF ten days ago following a fall in the garden and ? LOC.  She underwent surgery seven days ago and has NKDA, a history of mild hypertension, type 1 diabetic and recurrent UTI’s. Pt. is tolerating diet and fluids, and her FBC was ceased. Mrs Firth is due her daily subcutaneous injection at 2000 hrs. Mrs Firths stated she has her bowels opened this am. She is afebrile with a BP of 140/62, P – 88 & regular, R – 14, GCS is 15 and NVO to be ceased, pain score is 4/10 on movement and 1/10 when resting, the NVO R) leg is intact. Before her last meal Mrs Firths BSL where 5mmol/L. According to Dr Jones post op orders, alternative staples are to be removed today. Mrs Firth is ambulating with a physio twice a day, pain relief is required before ambulating. Please administer her daily subcutaneous injection. 

Question set 1 

Please demonstrate how you would document the removal of sutures in the 

WMP removal of staples. (Standards 5,7) 

When assessing your patients wound, you will assess the clinical appearance. What do the following terms mean?  

Epithelialising, Sloughy, Necrotic, Hyper granulating (Standard 1 &4) 

When conducting initial and ongoing wound assessments describe the components of wound assessment? (Standard 6 & 4) 

What is the impact of diabetes on wound healing? Describe what education you would provide your patient after having their staples removed. (Standard 

1, 2, 4,7) 


  The current time is 2000 and your patient is Mrs Firth, DOB 22/01/1931 under Dr. Jones Mrs Firth


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