solved. Question
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Asked by monanor
Review questions
1. What is the rationale for performing the perineal prep ahead of the abdominal prep in combined access procedures?
2. Discuss uterine distention solutions used for high-frequency bipolar surgery and monopolar surgery. What is the rationale for using nonelectrolytic versus electrolytic solutions in each case?
3. Why does the uterine distention fluid have to be closely monitored during hysteroscopy?
4. List the risks of the lithotomy position and the precautions needed to prevent patient injury.
5. Review the imaging system components for laparoscopy found in Chapter 23. List the components and their basic uses.
6. What is the risk of allowing an ovarian cyst to rupture into the pelvic cavity during surgery?
7. Babcock clamps usually are required for any surgery of the fallopian tubes. Why wouldn’t a Kocher clamp be used instead?
8. During laparoscopy and removal of tissue, such as a morcellated tumor or an ovarian cyst, a specimen retrieval bag is used to remove the specimen from the abdomen. What size trocar is needed when a specimen retrieval bag is used?
9. Radical abdominal and pelvic procedures, such as pelvic exenteration and the Whipple procedure, are performed much less often now than they were several years ago. What do you think are the reasons for this?
10. Consider a situation in which you are called to scrub for an emergency cesarean section. What is the minimum instrumentation and equipment you should have ready when the mother is brought into the operating room? Assume that your instrument tray is open and the Mayo stand is draped, but you have no instruments on the Mayo stand. The surgeon is ready to start; you have approximately 4 minutes to prepare for abdominal entry and removal of the baby.