
solved. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by CoachGoldfinchMaster608

Case Study 2 – During a routine dental hygiene recare appointment for a 15-year-old female patient, you notice that she has plaque around the mandibular first premolar areas.  These two teeth are rotated and in linguoversion.  The patient has spoken to you about her concern about the unappealing appearance of her “lower” teeth and what can be done to make her smile more flattering.  Additionally, she states that she finds these two areas very difficult to floss and brush.  Both you and the dentist recommend to her and to her parents the possibility of orthodontic treatment for this area.  The family has insurance coverage and is faithful about keeping recall appointments and other treatment such as sealants and restorations.  However, the father is reluctant to obtain information regarding an orthodontic referral.  The father protests and refuses to discuss the treatment, citing his spiritual belief that prohibits “changing creation” and “science’s interference with Mother Nature.” 


Case Study 3 – You are informing your patient about the details of a crown procedure.  She asks you about the possibility of recurrent decay, pain, or any other complications resulting from the crown as opposed to having the tooth extracted or a large amalgam restoration.  Worried about her refusing this recommended treatment option, you tell her that she should not worry because the dentist is an expert in this procedure.  What information is missing for this patient to consent to the crown procedure?  What ethical principles are involved with the information you are presenting to the patient?  How should you address the concern the patient has with accepting the crown procedure?


What did you think about the scenarios you were introduced to in class?

Have any similar situations happened to you in your personal or professional life?

How could you apply these ethical scenarios to your future dental hygiene career?

How would you balance the patient’s expectations with your clinical judgment?

DH 257



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