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Asked by oliver600
This collective case study described the meaning of being a nursing student with a learning disability and examined how baccalureate nursing students with learning disabilities experienced various aspects of the nursing program. It also examined how their disabilities and previous educational and personal experiences influenced the meaning that they gave to their educational experiences. Seven nursing students were interviewed, completed a demographic data form, and submitted various artifacts (test scores, evaluation reports, and curriculum-based material) for document analysis. The researcher used Stake’s model for collective case study research and analysis (1). Data analysis revealed five themes: 1) struggle, 2) learning how to learn with LD, 3) issues concerning time, 4) social support, and 5) personal stories. Theme clusters and individual variations were identified for each theme. Document analysis revealed that participants had average to above average intellectual functioning with an ability-achievement discrepancy among standardized test scores. Participants noted that direct instruction, structure, consistency, clear directions, organization, and a positive instructor attitude assisted learning. Anxiety, social isolation from peers, and limited time to process and complete work were problems faced by the participants.
additional questions
1) In ancient times disturbed individuals were sent to dismal institutions, namely:
2) Which book of Emil Kraepelin, a German psychiatrist, classified various mental illnesses according to their specific types of abnormal behaviors?
3) Clinical psychology is:
4) Clinical psychologist’s chief activities are:
5) Which is the clinical psychologist’s chief tool in treating mental disorders?
6) What is an important goal of clinical psychologists?
7) Comparative psychology is:
8) What are included in the study of comparative psychologists about the principal behavioural patterns of animals?
9) Which study of comparative psychologists is the sharing of information among animals?
10) Which study of comparative psychologists concerns the gaining of knowledge?