solved. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by marcop2001
Terry is the nurse manager for a 30-bed, 24-hour observation unit located at Community Hospital, a large metropolitan teaching hospital. Because of its central location in the state, Community Hospital treats patients from the immediate vicinity and patients traveling from underserved areas. Positioned on the first floor of the hospital, the 24-hour observation unit can be accessed via two separate entrances: an electronic door that is located off of the main hospital hallway and a set of double doors adjoining the patient care area of the emergency department. The unit layout resembles an “H,” with one main nursing station in the center. All patient rooms are private, with a curtain partition separating the room from the unit hallway. The unit follows a 12-hour shift schedule, with six registered nurses and two unlicensed assistants scheduled each shift. The unit evidence-based practice team (UEBPT) has come to Terry with concerns regarding some recent patient and family incidents on the unit and a growing concern over escalating violent acts across
the nation in various health care facilities. Some of the concerns the UEBPT identified include: • Vocalized patient dissatisfaction. Several patients have yelled at their assigned nurses when they received discharge instructions, believing they should be
admitted to the hospital instead of discharged.
• Family members staying with patients in patient rooms for the duration of the 24-hour observation period. Depending on the patient’s cultural heritage, often
the number is as great as 10 family members. • Emergency department patients and their family members getting lost and
walking through the 24-hour observation unit. Terry affirms the UEBPT’s concerns and agrees to meet with the team at their next meeting in 5 days.
1. If you were Terry, what additional information would you want to gather before attending the UEBPT meeting?
2. What are some areas of concern related to violence in the workplace for the 24-hour
observation unit at Community Hospital?
3. What resources would be helpful to the UEBPT in assessing their unit’s risk for workplace 4. What resources would be helpful to the UEBPT in developing a plan to manage the risk of
violence? workplace violence on the unit?
5. When the UEBPT implements unit training, what should be included and how should the
training be executed?
NURS 4034