
Scenario: The productivity of the coding staff has been decreasing, and backlogs have resulted. Thro

Scenario: The productivity of the coding staff has been decreasing, and backlogs have resulted. Thro. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by AmbassadorComputer13242

The productivity of the coding staff has been decreasing, and backlogs have resulted. Through a performance monitor conducted with the coding staff, you’ve discovered two key factors: 1. The current coding staff is working at full capacity and utilizing good time management. 2. The DNFB days are increasing because the number of discharges is increasing from 100 discharges per day to 144 discharges per day on average. Every day the goal is to code all discharges from the previous day.

The number of coding FTEs is 5. The current coding staff can code 20 cases per day, which will not allow production to keep up with volume increases. Since the pandemic, the facility has sent coders to work from home, and the HIM Department is planning to install a new electronic document storage system to enhance telecommuting and remote work. The research done by the Director shows that productivity for coders could increase; the Director forecasts a 20% production increase with the implementation of telecommuting for facilities. Before deploying this change, leadership must consider multiple factors.


Reflect on the scenario above. Consider issues with coding, DNFB, staffing changes, work location changes, and a major purchase to facilitate work location changes. This coding production solution has multiple factors. Review the management challenges outlined below. For each one, evaluate and address management processes, including logistics and ethics, where appropriate. 

Once the new electronic document storage system is installed, how many additional FTEs would the HIM Director need to hire to maintain improved DNFB days? Please calculate the additional FTEs needed. Explain and show your math.
When recruiting to fill the additional coding position(s), what hiring and training processes will be impacted by the change to a fully remote coding staff? For example: Where will training take place? If all coders work remotely, who trains the new hire(s) on account processes and procedures? Will the new hire(s) be required to purchase a computer that meets the minimal requirements of the facility software? Is it ethical to ask an applicant about their own computer and/or their willingness to purchase a computer for the remote coding job?
With a fully remote coding staff, other personnel issues can be a challenge. What management methodologies would support the change to a fully remote coding staff. For example, how will continuing education be handled for the credentialed coders? How will annual training be completed, such as HIPAA? What about monthly staff meetings? If a coder’s home internet goes out, does the coder have to come into the facility to complete their work hours so that DNFB goals are met?
HIM 2966

Scenario: The productivity of the coding staff has been decreasing, and backlogs have resulted. Thro


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