“Salina” DOB: 12/2/1991 – 31 yo First baby (Gravida 1 : Para 0) currently 20 weeks pregnant. Heal. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by DukePigeonMaster764
“Salina” DOB: 12/2/1991 – 31 yo First baby (Gravida 1 : Para 0) currently 20 weeks pregnant.
Health history:
Salina reports she had severe nausea and vomiting in first 6/8 weeks. Resolved in previous 3 weeks.
Salina was diagnosed with Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) 8 years ago. She was told at the time she may have difficulties becoming pregnant but spontaneously conceived four months after stopping the oral contraceptive.
Had mild anxiety and some depressive episodes in her early 20’s. Salina states she saw a psychologist at the time but that her mental health has been “good” for a few years now.
Current health concerns and medications:
Recently ceased Metoclopramide, nausea improving. Has started taking Pyridoxine 50 mg QID a month ago on GP’s advice.
Taking iron due to low HB at booking visit and pregnancy vitamin supplement.
Salina is keen to not gain excess weight in pregnancy. BMI of 29 prior to pregnancy. There is a history of diabetes in her family and PCOS has meant she has spent many years following a low GI diet. Dietary advice for pregnancy discussed and Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT).
Social support:
Married 4 years. Supportive family, husband’s family is OS. Both employed, in stable accommodation.
Preferences for pregnancy and birth:
Happy with current care (hospital maternity clinic) and hospital birth. Not interested/ unsure about childbirth and early parenting in classes at this time. Asking for further information about classes for both herself and husband. Not really sure about getting ready for the birth, doesn’t want to feel overwhelmed. Salina talks to her Mum and sisters about birth to get informed.
Hopes to breastfeed but is undecided.
Husband as support, the couple are followers of the Muslim faith and will have some important rituals to follow at the time of their baby’s birth.
Test/investigations offered/ ordered:
Offered – Abdominal assessment – FH measurement (first measure), discussion regarding baby’s movements.
20 week morphology scan was delayed, due in two days.
Blood tests: FBE/antibodies; Iron studies and OGTT at 26 weeks
Pertussis vaccination offered – unable to have at this visit due to recent COVID19 booster vaccination
Q1- what is one of the learning needs that has been identified by the woman in this case study?
the incidence of this health issue for pregnant women in Australia currently.
The risk factors for developing this condition in pregnancy. Include if it has any physiological and/or psycho-social factors that you can identify.
The potential impact of this health issue on a woman’s pregnancy and birth
Q2- what is one evidence based, reliable and current resource that could be shared with this woman to inform her of current recommendations regarding this health issue.
Brief explanation
Please provide APA 7 referencing
“Salina” DOB: 12/2/1991 – 31 yo First baby (Gravida 1 : Para 0) currently 20 weeks pregnant. Heal