PART 1: You are the evening team leader for six staff members: 1 – unit clerk; 1 – experienc. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by CaptainPheasant1471
PART 1: You are the evening team leader for six staff members:
1 – unit clerk;
1 – experienced RN;
1 – new RN graduate;
1 – licensed practical nurse (LPN);
2 – unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP).
You arrived for your shift at 6:45pm – the day shift charge nurse did not have time to make assignments. From a brief report, you have determined that:
Patients Acuity/Workload Intensity Treatment/Concerns
1 2 Day 3 Post-op Bowel Resection; PO meds; I & O
2 2 Post Heart Cath; needs cardiac teaching
3 3 Day of Surgery; not yet arrived from PACU
4 3 DKA with blood sugars in 300s; FSBS Q4; I & O
5 4 Day 1 Post-op Bowel Resection; IV meds q 4 & 6 hrs.; I & O
6 2 ESRD with fluid overload; off unit for Hemodialysis
7 3 Day of Surgery; not returned from PACU: Bowel Resection
8 3 MRSA to leg wound r/t cellulitis; IV antibiotics
9 4 Day of Surgery; not returned from PACU: Bowel Resection
10 1 Pending discharge; needs discharge teaching
11 1 Pending discharge; needs discharge teaching
12 1 Adult Downs syndrome with pressure ulcer; wound care
13 2 Transfer from ICU – Stroke w/ R-Weakness; total ADL support
14 3 Day 2 Post-op Bowel Resection; PO meds; I & O
15 3 Alzheimer’s with urosepsis; IV antibiotics; high fall risk
16 3 Pneumonia; IV meds q 4 & 6 hrs.
17 3 CHF Exacerbation; total ADL support; IV meds; I & O
18 4 Post Heart Cath; needs cardiac teaching
19 4 Day 3 post op Right BKA; total ADL support
20 4 Recent “Code White” Critical instability; IV with 4 continuous (two vasopressors) vs q15 minute
21 2 Pneumonia; Psychiatric complications (major depressive disorder)
22 3 Asthma Exacerbation; Psychiatric complications (Dementia with Confusion)
PART 2: As you begin rounds, the following events are occurring:
The unit clerk calls you because Dr. Feelgood is waiting to discuss a medication error that was made 2 days ago and he is being quite loud about the issue at the nurses’ station where there are visitors.
A visitor’s child has fallen and split her lip by the elevator.
The new grad on the team just broke off her engagement with her fiancé and is crying in the breakroom.
The husband of your experienced RN has just called to say she was in a car accident on the way to work and she is headed to the Emergency Room with a possible broken ankle and airbag burns.
During your rounds, you will have to decide whether you should adjust the work assignments you created to share patient care across your team members. Your decisions are based on your assessment of the unit, the team situation, and available hospital resources. Sometimes it may appear that everything is a crisis and that every situation requires immediate attention. Your management of the patients and unit operations depends on your ability to focus your effort to maximize results.
Identify the responsibilities of the nurse central to the situation (You)
Identify your responsibilities in managing this patient group.
Discuss your responsibility to each Team Member.
List problems that may be present but not obvious because significant information is missing; and rank the problems according to priority for resolution. This should include but not be limited to:
What types of information will you use to justify your decisions? (Include references if used)
NURS 4370
PART 1: You are the evening team leader for six staff members: 1 – unit clerk; 1 – experienc