I need help with Assignment 1.1: Assignment 2.1: Assignment 2.3, Assignment 3.1, and Debriefing Ques. Question
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Asked by SuperOryxPerson768
I need help with Assignment 1.1: Assignment 2.1: Assignment 2.3, Assignment 3.1, and Debriefing Questions, they are on the bottom of the page. The answers need to be from the information I Provide.
Thank you very much.
Case Overview:
Miles Davidson is a 3-year-old male hospitalized for 1 day with a history of abdominal pain after eating for 1-2 months and a diagnosis of failure to thrive. He has been evaluated by both his pediatrician and gastroenterologist. He is to remain inpatient for 3 days to ensure a strict calorie count and further diagnostics.
DocuCare Activity/Assignment Prep:
Review the Clinical Decision Support Tool (green Lippincott Advisor links) provide throughout your patient’s chart:
Failure to thrive
Endoscopic therapy
Nutritional screening, pediatric
Ricci, S., Kyle, T., & Carman, S. Growth and Development of the Toddler. Maternity and Pediatric Nursing. Philadelphia, Pa.: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Ricci, S., Kyle, T., & Carman, S. Nursing Care of the Child with an Alteration in Bowel Elimination/Gastrointestinal Disorder. Maternity and Pediatric Nursing. Philadelphia, Pa.: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Part One: Clinical Judgment Activity
Review Miles Davidson’s chart including Patient Information, Notes, Diagnostics, Vital Signs, and Orders
You are the nurse caring for Miles.
Using the CDC growth charts (https://www.cdc.gov/growthcharts/index.htm (Links to an external site.)), data within the chart and any other evidenced-based research, gather relevant growth and development data. (Recognize Cues/Assessing)
Determine findings that support the diagnosis of failure to thrive. (Analyze Cues/ Assessing)
Do any findings contradict the diagnosis? (Analyze Cues/Assessing)
What other conditions are supported by the data? What other assessments would help differentiate conditions? (Analyze Cues/Assessing)
Of the potential issues, which is most likely. (Prioritize Hypothesis/Diagnosing)
Assignment 1.1:
Create and document a care plan for Miles related to the most likely condition. When creating your patient’s care plan, include the following:
Priority nursing diagnosis/patient problem
Patient centered and measurable expected outcome
Expected interventions and orders
Include rationale and how you would evaluate the interventions
Part Two: Clinical Judgment Activity
Miles Davidson has recently returned from his endoscopic procedure. You receive report and review Miles’ chart. You enter the room and complete a focused assessment, collecting the following data:
BP: 82/49 mmHg, HR: 88, RR: 30, 98% on RA, T: 36.4 oC
Patient reports his first name, his age, and tells you about the dog he plays with at home with clear speech.
Heart tones are clear, strong equal radial pulses.
Lungs clear in all lobes, no cough, mild increase work of breathing
Hyperactive bowel sounds, Miles complains his stomach hurts in his “tummy” and he guards against your touch. He also reports feeling hungry.
Assignment 2.1:
Document your findings in Miles’s chart
Assignment 2.3:
Answer the following questions
Identify the relevant data. (Recognize Cues/Assessing)
Do any findings concern you? (Analyze Cues/Assessing)
What further assessments would determine Miles’ acuity? (Analyze Cues/Assessing)
Part Three: Clinical Judgment Activity
Consider Miles’ admission. Keeping developmental milestones and stage of development how would you explain the ordered procedures (Endoscopic therapy and venipuncture) to him and his mother?
Assignment 3.1:
Document your education as the nurse in Notes and choose “Other” for Type. Utilize quotes to indicate specific terminology used during the session.
Debriefing Questions:
What are your initial thoughts and feelings when you see a failure to thrive as a pediatric patient? Does organic or nonorganic failure to thrive change your viewpoint?
What is Mile’s pathway to discharge?
What barriers to continued care may be present? Are there any interventions you can consider?
In practice, you will encounter alternative parenting/lifestyle choices that differ from your own. Discuss your methods of coping professionally and personally.
I need help with Assignment 1.1: Assignment 2.1: Assignment 2.3, Assignment 3.1, and Debriefing Ques