I need answers for assignment 3.1 and the debrief they are at the bottom of the page Thank you. . Question
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Asked by SuperOryxPerson768
I need answers for assignment 3.1 and the debrief
they are at the bottom of the page
Thank you.
Case Overview:
Courtney Kline is a 16-year-old female who is a direct admit from the gastroenterology office. She has a known history of Crohn’s disease and is having an active flare uncontrolled by home therapy. She is experiencing frequent bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue, and dehydration. Emergency department (ED) admission is completed and new orders are pending.
DocuCare Activity/Assignment Prep:
Review the Clinical Decision Support Tool (green Lippincott Advisor links) provided throughout your patient’s chart:
Crohn’s Disease
Contact precautions
Ricci, S., Kyle, T., & Carman, S. Growth and Development of the Adolescent. Maternity and Pediatric Nursing. Philadelphia, Pa.: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Ricci, S., Kyle, T., & Carman, S. Nursing Care of the Child with an Alteration in Bowel Elimination/Gastrointestinal Disorder. Maternity and Pediatric Nursing. Philadelphia, Pa.: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Part One: Clinical Judgment Activity
Review Courtney Kline’s chart including Patient Assessments, Notes, Diagnostics, Vital Signs, and Orders.
Assignment 1.1:
Answer the following questions in the Notes section>Nursing Note-Progress Note.
Identify findings that require follow-up. (Recognize Cues/Assessing)
Indicate which findings are consistent with Crohn’s disease. (Analyze Cues/Assessing)
What is the most likely concern? (Prioritize Hypotheses/Diagnosing)
What interventions are priority related to the most likely concern? (Generate Solutions & Take Actions/Planning & Implementing)
Assignment 1.2:
Document assessment findings that would indicate Courtney’s condition has improved in the appropriate assessment tabs. (Evaluate Outcomes/Evaluating)
Part Two: Clinical Judgment Activity
Review the Physician Notes – Progress Note. Courtney and her mother ask you to explain in more detail the new medication therapy.
Add azathioprine 1.5 mg/kg/day PO QD to orders
Review the Clinical Decision Support Tool (green Lippincott Advisor links) associated with azathioprine as reference to develop a teaching plan.
Assignment 2.1:
Create a Patient Teaching plan in Courtney Kline’s chart by using the Patient Teaching tab.
Part Three: Clinical Judgment Activity
Assignment 3.1:
Review the normal growth and development of an adolescent. Create one care plan for Courtney to enhance her developmental growth with a chronic disease. Include:
Priority nursing diagnosis/patient problem
Patient-centered and measurable expected outcome
Priority interventions
Include rationale and how you would evaluate the intervention
Debriefing Questions
How do you think you would feel if you were in Courtney’s situation? What do you imagine is her biggest concern?
What was the biggest challenge in these activities?
Have you had a patient with Crohn’s during clinical? Was the plan of care similar/different? Explain.
Compare your nursing/teaching approach with Courtney versus an older adult patient? What is different? What is the same?
I need answers for assignment 3.1 and the debrief
they are at the at last page
Thank you
I need answers for assignment 3.1 and the debrief they are at the bottom of the page Thank you.