How to dIndividual 1 Satisfactory Yes No ⦁ Hold a discussion with individual one (1) and using t. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by evebaby
How to dIndividual 1 Satisfactory
Yes No
⦁ Hold a discussion with individual one (1) and using their preferred communication method and explore options to assist the individual in reaching one of their goals, as established in their individualised plan. Use the goal planning worksheet in Appendix A to record the details of your discussion.
This includes:
⦁ Details of the goal.
⦁ Possible strategies to help achieve the goal.
⦁ Strategy chosen by the individual
⦁ Skills the individual will need to develop to achieve the goal.
⦁ Any resources required.
⦁ Target completion date.
⦁ Name and signature of your supervisor.
⦁ Describe how the goal/s chosen relate to a human rights article.
Would like to find open employment
Would like to learn to cook
⦁ Are there any cultural requirements to be considered? If no, explain why.
Individual 2 Satisfactory
Yes No
⦁ Hold a discussion with individual two (2) and using their preferred communication method and explore options to assist the individual in reaching one of their goals, as established in their individualised plan. Use the goal planning worksheet in Appendix B to record the details of your discussion.
This includes:
⦁ Details of the goal.
⦁ Possible strategies to help achieve the goal.
⦁ Strategy chosen by the individual
⦁ Skills the individual will need to develop to achieve the goal.
⦁ Any resources required.
⦁ Target completion date.
⦁ Name and signature of your supervisor.
⦁ Describe how the goal/s chosen relate to a human rights article.
Would like to find open employment
Would like to learn to cook
⦁ Are there any cultural requirements to be considered? If no, explain why.
Skills report
⦁ Provide an example of how you developed and adjusted your own approach to facilitate empowerment. Your example should align with your answer provided in your values activity (written assessment Q6)
Date completed by student:
Supervisor initials:
⦁ Describe specific instance where you worked with an individual to assist them to understand their rights.
I worked with an individual recently who was refused the opportunity to attend a job interview when the employer realised she had a disability. I educated on her rights to employment and reminded her that she has the same rights as anyone without a disability.
Date completed by student:
Supervisor initials:
⦁ How do you ensure the strategies you implement uphold the rights and needs of the individuals you are providing support to? Provide examples using the individuals you provide support to in your workplace.
Date completed by student:
Supervisor initials:
⦁ How do you ensure the strategies you implement uphold the rights and needs of the individuals you are providing support to? Provide examples using the individuals you provide support to in your workplace.
Date completed by student:
Supervisor initials:
⦁ Describe how you assisted an individual to access advocacy services and other complaint mechanisms.
Date completed by student:
Supervisor initials:
⦁ Outline the details of any strategies you use to ensure the individual is comfortable with any decisions made on their behalf.
Date completed by student:
Supervisor initials:
⦁ Describe an instance in which you have collaborated with a family member or carer in providing support to an individual.
Date completed by student:
Supervisor initials:
Appendix A – Goal planning sheet (Individual 1)
Goal Planning Worksheet – Individual 1
Individuals name:
Date of discussion
Individual’s goal:
Potential strategies to help achieve the goal:
Strategy chosen by the individual:
Skills the individual will need to develop to achieve the goal:
Resources required:
Target completion date: Workplace supervisor name:
Workplace supervisor signature:
Appendix B – Goal planning sheet (Individual 2)
Goal Planning Worksheet – Individual 2
Individuals name:
Date of discussion
Individual’s goal:
Potential strategies to help achieve the goal:
Strategy chosen by the individual:
Skills the individual will need to develop to achieve the goal:
Resources required:
Target completion date:
Workplace supervisor name:
Workplace supervisor signature:
o goal planning worksheet ?
How to dIndividual 1 Satisfactory Yes No ⦁ Hold a discussion with individual one (1) and using t