Hello! Could I get some help with this please?   Directions For this Assessment, you will be presen

Hello! Could I get some help with this please?   Directions For this Assessment, you will be presen. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by CaptainManateeMaster451

Hello! Could I get some help with this please?



For this Assessment, you will be presented with two more scenarios. Read each scenario below and then assign the appropriate codes in the boxes provided. 


Scenario 1

Title of Procedure: 

Upper Intestinal Endoscopy with Biopsy



General LMA


Preoperative Diagnosis/ Indications: 

Eosinophilic esophagitis


Postoperative Diagnosis/Findings:

Remarkable for mild furrowing, slightly irregular surface pattern more prominent in distal esophagus, and overall esophagus seemed less pliable. Small patch of erythema in the duodenal bulb.


Description of Procedure:

The risks and benefits of the procedure were reviewed with mother and father and informed consent was obtained. A time-out was completed verifying correct patient, procedure, site, positioning, and special equipment if applicable. underwent satisfactory anesthesia as described above. The Olympus GIF Q180 endoscope was introduced under direct visualization and advanced into the esophagus. The esophageal mucosa was remarkable for mild furrowing, slightly irregular surface pattern more prominent in distal esophagus, and overall esophagus seemed less pliable. The lower esophageal sphincter was located 30 cm from the mouth. The stomach appeared normal. Retroflexion appeared normal. The duodenum was intubated, was remarkable for small patch of erythema in duodenal bulb but was otherwise normal appearing. Biopsies were taken from the duodenum, antrum, body, distal esophagus and proximal esophagus for histology. Urease testing was not performed. No additional diagnostic maneuvers were performed. The endoscope was readvanced to the stomach, which was suctioned of all contents, and then withdrawn. 


The patient was allowed to awaken from anesthesia.


Estimated Blood Loss: 

Less than 5 ml



duodenum, antrum, body, distal esophagus and proximal esophagus



None known




Now that you have read Scenario 1, complete the following: 


Assign first listed ICD-10-CM Code   
Assign CPT Code   




Scenario 2

Preoperative Diagnosis:
Left inguinal hernia. 

Postoperative Diagnosis:
Left indirect inguinal hernia. 

Operative Procedure: 
Repair of left inguinal hernia of 25-year-old. 

A standard left groin incision was accomplished, carried down through subcutaneous tissue. The external oblique was divided in line with its fibers, the cord structures were carefully freed up and protected with a Penrose drain. The cremasteric muscle was incised and a large sac identified. This was very thin walled and had the appearance of being extremely acute. The sac was carefully freed up from the surrounding tissues, twisted and high ligation accomplished with an 0 silk followed by a 2-0 silk suture ligature. The sac was excised. The wound was then again irrigated with antibiotics after which the dermis was approximated with continuous 3-0 Vicryl and the epidermis with Steri-Strips.




Now that you have read Scenario 2, complete the following:


Assign ICD-10-CM Code(s)  
Assign CPT Code  


MCCG 136

Hello! Could I get some help with this please?   Directions For this Assessment, you will be presen


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