Correctly document the findings using correct terminology and professional language. Dougie knows he. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by ProfessorKnowledgeSheep22
Correctly document the findings using correct terminology and professional language.
Dougie knows he is in the hospital because he can’t catch his breath and he tells you “my chest hurts when I breathe and I don’t feel so good”, he is constantly rubbing at his chest, bluegray color to lips and facial features, hot feel to skin, pinched skin on back of hand stays in place, swelling in feet, pressure makes an indent of about 1/8 inch which fills in rapidly when pressure removed, pale color to nail beds, when pinched pink color comes back quickly, small mouth with tongue sticking out, mucous membranes dry looking, lungs with snoring, contin- uous low pitched sounds when breathing in and out, spitting out sticky green yel- low sputum, breathing at 28 breaths per minute, working at breathing, apical pulse heard in correct anatomical position with no extra noises, pulses in neck, wrists, legs and feet easily felt, belly normal shape without pain, rumbling noted at regular intervals in all areas of abdomen
Rewrite this using correct terminology and professional language.
Correctly document the findings using correct terminology and professional language. Dougie knows he