
Case Study Mrs. Gartnet is a fairly independent 88-year-old person with congestive heart failure who

Case Study Mrs. Gartnet is a fairly independent 88-year-old person with congestive heart failure who. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by S1n2e3
Case Study Mrs. Gartnet is a fairly independent 88-year-old person with congestive heart failure who has sustained a fall. She lives alone in her home. She manages well at home with some unsteadiness most mornings with shortness of breath but is able to catch her breath after rest. Mrs. Gartnet was able to do most of her activities of daily livings prior to the fall. She has a daughter who she contacts every day and a son with whom she has not spoken to in over five years. Her daughter assists her with simple errands and tasks that are more physical, such as laundry. She has not formally appointed and written a power of attorney document for personal care and health. Mrs. Gartnet is admitted to the hospital following of a fall in her home. She is evaluated in the hospital by physical therapy and occupational therapy who recommend she should be transferred to a nursing home for short term rehabilitation. Mrs. Gartnet refuses and demands to be returned to her own home. Her interdisciplinary team in the hospital insists this is not a safe discharge plan. Her daughter has made it clear that she cannot provide any physical therapy rehabilitation in the home. Questions: 1. What is the first thing the most responsible provider should assess and why? /2 2. Which standard would be appropriate when working with this client? Explain. /2 3. If the interdisciplinary team deem Mrs. Gartnet incapable, who is responsible for making her health care decisions about her care? Explain. /2 4. What if Mrs. Gartnet did not want her son to be contacted, how would you approach this? /2 5. If Mrs. Gartnet is discharged home, what could the interdisciplinary team have in order to keep her minimize risks to her safety? /2
NURSE 3132

Case Study Mrs. Gartnet is a fairly independent 88-year-old person with congestive heart failure who


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