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Asked by CaptainSalamander2654
Help with Homework Learning & Skill Development Before. Kindergarten Predictions After reading the article “Mind the kinder-gap: New data on children’s math and reading skills as they enter kindergarten’ by Christine M.T. Pitts and Megan Kuhfeld (September, 2020) located in Module 3: Lecture Materials & Resources, please address the following: While the authors indicate the extent of children’s learning and skill development before kindergarten strongly predicts their eventual college completion rates, adult earnings, and other long-term outcomes, what other factor contributes significantly to such outcomes? These findings portrayed in Figure 1 in the article tell a contradictory story about students’ academic skills at kindergarten entry over the past decade. Please describe this contradiction. Referring to Figure 1, describe the Black-White math skills gap trend from 2010-2017. Referring to Figure 1, describe the Latino-White reading skills gap trend from 2010-2017. While do these overall declines in reading and math achievement indicate the recent efforts to improve early childhood education have been ineffective, why do you think this trend is occurring and what can be done to turn it around so that early childhood education will more effectively prepare children entering kindergarten?