solved. Question
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Asked by jenaliemanzano
Charlotte is a newly licensed RN. One of the LPNs under her supervision has many years of nursing experience and is quite resentful: “I have to take orders from this new kid. I’ve been a nurse longer than she’s been alive!” Charlotte does her best not only to be friendly but also to adhere to the scope and standards of practice for both RNs and LPNs. On one particularly busy day, the LPN insists that she can handle the arrival of a postoperative patient without any help. The patient is young and healthy and underwent surgical intervention for a compound fracture of the left femur. Charlotte knows that it is her responsibility to conduct assessments, but she is especially busy with several patients whose conditions are deteriorating. At the end of their shift, the LPN remarks, “That guy with the compound fracture sure is a whiner. He’s complaining about a cough and chest pain. He had a bad cold before surgery, so what does he expect!” Alarmed, Charlotte and the charge nurse for the oncoming shift rush to check on the patient, who is found to be cyanotic and unresponsive. He is rushed to the critical care unit with a diagnosis of fat embolism. Who is accountable for this lack of proper patient care? How could this have been avoided? Which of the “rights” of delegation were violated? Which of the rights of delegation did Charlotte violate?
NSG 403