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Asked by bojokan1
In not less than 200 words or more, discuss the three multiple ways of knowing outlined in the learning objectives listed below and how they can be incorporated into healthcare informatics.
Health and Wellness
Learning Objectives
Describe how society benefits from healthy citizens.
Explain how lifestyle choices affect individual and community health within two or more dimensions of wellness (e.g., emotional, physical, social, mental, spiritual, and environmental health).
Analyze values and behaviors that contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
Engage in the process of healthy behavior change or health promotion.
Historical Perspectives
 Learning Objectives
Analyze the origins and consequences of historical events and developments.
Understand ideas in their historical context and explore diverse interpretations of the past by critically assessing both primary and secondary historical sources.
Evaluate historical arguments by analyzing major assertions, background assumptions, and explanatory evidence.
Use a historical perspective to understand the world today and address contemporary issues
Ethics and Social ResponsibilityÂ
Learning Objectives
Understand the historical and philosophical bases of ethical decision-making and social responsibility.
Use independent thinking, critical analysis, and reasoned inquiry when assessing personal, professional, and societal issues.
Demonstrate the ability to make personal and professional decisions by applying knowledge and skills obtained from the study of ethics and theories of social responsibility; and
Articulate how their ethical framework and understanding of social responsibility shape their actions.
NURS 317