solved. Question
Asked by blackmamba22
Discuss your personal view of nursing, what the profession of nursing means to you
Discuss what drew you to select nursing as a profession
After reviewing the different nursing theorists, select a nursing theory which you think best fits with your personal view of what the profession of nursing is, and reason you selected nursing as a profession
Discuss how you think the theory you selected will help shape your future practice of nursing
Discuss your values and beliefs (at least 3-5 values/beliefs) and how you think how they help you within your practice of nursing
Discuss how you interact with patients, who as individuals with their own set of values and beliefs, you provide nursing care for patients with differing values, beliefs and often come from different cultures, ideas, and sociological/economic and educational
Discuss how the theory you selected assists you in providing care to individuals descried above
Discuss why you think communication is important within your practice and interactions with your patients
Discuss how you have or would approach patients who may have little trust, in you as their nurse, due to differences in their sets of values, beliefs, compared to yours, and/or differences in culture, ideas and sociological/economic and educational backgrounds as opposed to you.
Discuss how the theory you selected might help you navigate the situations discussed in the criterion above
Discuss how the BSN Essentials, specifically the elements of human dignity, trust, ethics, altruism, autonomy, the right to self-determination, social justice, and Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) are important for the nursing profession, and guide your practice
Name the specific professional values (select 2-4), based on the AACN’s BSN Essentials (2008) description of core professional values for the nurse, which you incorporate into your nursing philosophy and practice