Obstetric Nursing   Answer the following questions. Choose your answer on the choices given.   3.N

Obstetric Nursing   Answer the following questions. Choose your answer on the choices given.   3.N. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by ProfDiscovery10698

Obstetric Nursing


Answer the following questions. Choose your answer on the choices given.


3.Nurse Lia went for her rounds in the OB ward, she saw a mother who recently gave birth and now trying to breastfeed her baby. An appropriate nursing intervention would be to suggest the mother for now to:


a. Bottle feed the baby between breastfeeding sessions.

b. Routinely use plastic-lined nipple shields.

c. Impose time limits for breast- feeding sessions.

d. Offer both breasts at each feeding.


4.Nurse Lia observes that her client, who is breastfeeding her first child appears frightened. The client client says, “the baby has been breathing funny, fast and slow, off and on” Nurse Lia would correctly respond when she says.


a. “That’s normal when the baby breast-feeds.”

b. “You have nothing to worry about, can I have the baby now so I can put her back to the nursery”

c. ” Ill watch the baby for a while to see if there is something wrong.”

d. “I understand what you are frightened. It’s a normal breathing pattern. I’ll sit here while you finish feeding her.


5.A Breast-feeding mother call nurse Lia and verbalizes she experience nipple discomfort while breast feeding. The nurse’s priority in the plan of care would be:


a. Have the mother pump until the nipple heal and give breastmilk from the bottle.

b. Remove the baby from the breast and reposition.

c. Give the mother a nipple shield to wear.

d. Have the mother breastfeed only from the nipple that is not injured.


6.A mother asks, ” Nurse Lia is it true that breast milk will prevent my baby from catching colds and other infections?


a. “Your baby will have increased resistance to illness caused by bacteria and viruses, but she may still contract infections.”

b. “You should not worry about your baby’s exposure t o contagious diseases until she stops breast feeding.”

c. “Breast milk will give your baby protection from all illnesses to which you are immune.”

d. ” I would say formula feeding offers more protection than breast milk.”


7.The mother further asks nurse Lia, how will she know if her infant is getting anything from her breasts. the nurse’s response is based on the knowledge that the best indicator that the infant is getting breastmilk is:


a. Very loud burping

b. Finishing the feeding in 3-5 minutes

c. Audible swallowing

d. Sleeping 4 hours between feedings.


8.A nurse is preparing to perform a fundal assessment on a postpartum client. The initial nursing action in performing this procedure is which of the following?


a. Ask the client to turn on her side

b. Ask the client to lie flat on her back with the knees and legs flat and straight

c. Ask the client to empty her bladder

d. Massage the fundus gently before determining the level of the fundus


9.The nurse is assessing the lochia of a 1 day postpartum client. The normal color of the lochia during this period is:


a. Reddish

b. Pinkish

c. Brownish

d. Yellowish


10.A nurse is preparing to care for a client who has just delivered a healthy newborn baby. In the immediate postpartum period, the nurse monitors the client’s vital signs.


a. Every 30 mins during the first two hours then every 1hour for 2hours.

b. Every 15mins during the first hour then every 30 mins for the next 2 hours

c. Every hour for the first 2 hours and then every 4 hours

d. Every 5 mins. for the first 30 mins and then every hour for the next 4 hours


11.Which of the following interventions would be helpful to a breastfeeding mother who is experiencing engorged breast?


a. Applying ice packs

b. Applying breast binder

c. Teaching the client how to express her breast milk

d. Administer medication to relieve breast engorgement


12.Which of the following findings would be expected when assessing the postpartum client?


a. Fundus is just within the umbilicus or at least 1cm above 1 hour post partum umbilicus

b. Fundus is 1cm above umbilicus after 3 dayspostpartum

c. Fundus is palpable in the abdomen after 2 weeks postpartum

d. Fundus slightly to the right, 2cm above umbilicus after 2days postpartum


13.The nurse on duty checks the client receiving oxytocin (Pitocin) through I.V. pump. The IV contains 20 units of Pitocin in 1000 mL Normal Saline. The I.V. pump is currently displaying 30 mL/hr. How many mu/minute is the client receiving?


a. 5mu/min

b. 30mu/min

c. 4mu/min

d. 10 mu/min


14.A doctor orders acetaminophen (Tylenol) suppository 1g q 6hr prn for37.8’C temp. 

Available: Tylenol suppository 325 mg. How many supp. will you administer?


a. 3 suppositories

b. 3 and half suppositories

c. 2 suppository

d. 2 and half suppositories


15.A postpartum client is prescribed with Tramadol 100mg p.o. q 6hrs. stock dose is 50mg/tab. How many tablets are required per dose and per 24 hours?


a. 1 tablets per dose and 4 tablets per 24hrs

b. 2 tablets per dose and 8 tablets per 24hrs

c. 4 tablets per dose and 16 tablets per 24hrs


16.A Physician orders 1500 mg of liquid ibuprofen for a patient. Quantity of Ibuprofen is 500 mg in 1 cc, how much will you administer?


a. 1cc

b. 2cc

c. 3cc

d. 4cc


17.Bia a postpartum patient delivered 4 hours ago. She has a mediolateral episiotomy. She is rating her pain at 7 on a scale of 1-10. She has a history of anaphylactic reaction to Paracetamol. Which nursing action would be best?


a. Run very warm water into the tub and assist her into the bath

b. Encourage use of topical anesthetic spray

c. Encourage deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques

d. Offer the patient Advil ( Ibuprofen) orally with food


18.. A patient is 3 days post op from a cesarean birth. She has tenderness, local heat, and redness of the left leg. She is afebrile. As a result of these symptoms, the nurse best action is to:


a. Encouraged to ambulate freely

b. Administer pain killer as ordered

c. Encouraged deep breathing exercises

d. Place the patient on bed rest and elevate the affected limb


19.The nurse is caring for a patient who delivered by cesarean section. The patient received a general anesthetic. The nurse would encourage which of the following in order to prevent or minimize abdominal distention?


a. Encourage ambulation

b. Increase intake of cold beverages

c. Eating a high protein general diet

d. All of the above


20.The maternal home care nurse is orienting a new nurse. During orientation, they are discussing a maternal psychological adaptations and stressors. Which statement by the maternal home care nurse reflects the correct approach to addressing potential and actual postpartum depression in maternal patients?


a. “If we suspect a woman may have developed postpartum depression, then we provide specialized education about the topic.”

b. “Because emotional disorders and imbalances are very sensitive subject, we try not to offend patients by routinely bringing up the topic of postpartum depression.”

c. “Teaching about postpartum depression is a routine part of education for all maternal patients.”

d. “For women with a history of depression, we include education, about postpartum depression.”


21.To assess the healing of the uterus at the placental site, the nurse assesses:


a. Laboratory values

b. Type, amount and consistency of lochia

c. Uterine size

d. Vital signs


A 26-year-old, primigravid woman, is to be admitted in Saint Paul Hospital for preterm labor. Upon assessment, the woman presents with dry cough, febrile episodes, and oxygen saturation of 92% with recent travel history abroad. Antigen test was performed upon admission. (Refer to this scenario for items #28 and #29)
What should be the initial action of the nurse?


a. Admit to isolation room

b. Immediately transfer the patient to another facility

c. Proceed to usual care following agency protocol

d. Let the patient stay in the waiting area until symptoms subside


23.After 48 hours, the patient tested positive from the antigen test with mild to moderate symptoms. Which of the following should be done to the patient? (Select all that apply)


a. Perform Blood works

b. Perform Chest xray as indicated

c. Coordinate transfer to another COVID Facility

d. Coordinate with nurse supervisor for admission to CV Ward


24.An infant admitted in the NICU for observation is manifesting signs of respiratory distress. The infant is due for feeding. Which of the following feeding options can be done?


a. Expressed Breastmilk

b. NGT Feeding

c. Formula Milk

d. Defer the feeding


25.A mother prefers to room in with her baby after delivery. Which of the following should be advised to the mother during rooming in? (Select all that apply)


a. Place a mask and face shield on the newborn

b. Mother should be able to observe the baby from the crib at 3 feet distance

c. Mother should wear mask only during breastfeeding

d. Perform hand hygiene before and after contact with the newborn


26.A 30-year-old female is 20 weeks pregnant with twins. She has a 6 year-old who was born at 40 weeks gestation. She has no history of miscarriage or abortion. What is her GTPAL?


a. G=1, T=0, P=1, A=3, L=0

b. G=2, T=1, P=0, A=0, L=1

c. G=2, T=1, P=2, A=0, L=1

d. G=1, T=1, P=0, A=0, L=1


27.During a prenatal visit a patient tells you her last menstrual period was May 21, 2020. Based on the Naegele’s Rule, when is the estimated due date of her baby?


a. February 27, 2020

b. March 19. 2021

c. February 28, 2021

d. April 16, 2020


NRSG 101

Obstetric Nursing   Answer the following questions. Choose your answer on the choices given.   3.N


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