solved. Question
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Asked by sorence01
You are the RN caring for a 35 year old, male client who complains of lethargy, nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis, and fever. VS include: T 103.1 F, HR 136, B/P 102/58, RR 34, Pulse Ox 92 % on room air. BG 466. He is assigned to your room and the paramedic has inserted 2 #20 gauge INT’s to bilateral AC areas. Blood has been collected and sent to the lab. MD has ordered NS bolus and Humulin R 6 units IV. What do you suspect is going on with this client? Is the NS the appropriate solution for this client? Why or why not? Is this the right dose and route for Humulin R? What is the onset of action for Humulin R? What other medications might you anticipate will be ordered for this client?