
solved. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by ObedNoni01

Fill in the template for each of the medical diagnoses given, 
Fill in the medications portion of the template for each of the medications given including the effects, dosages, side effects and any BLACK BOX warnings And WHY this patient is on this medication. 
If you are going to have an assessment that is relevant, or a treatment you would expect, be sure to read up on it and know how to do it. Sim Lab is hands on, applying the knowledge safely!
This form will be completed and in hand when you arrive to SIM Lab NILS/TECH, or you will not be able to participate and will be counted absent for the clinical day.
Learning Objectives

Medical Diagnoses:
Chronic Heart Failure
Atrial Fibrillation
Chronic Stable Angina



Bidil po
Coreg po  
Spironolactone PO
Diltiazem po
Amiodarone po
Xarelto po
Morphine po
Lasix IVP
Ativan IVP
Zofran  IVP
Atorvastatin PO

Asprin PO

Clopidogrel PO

Lisinopril PO

Metroprolol PO

Transdermal Nitrogylcerin Patch 0.4 mg

Pneumococcal 13-Valent Conjugate Vaccine 0.5mg IM

Ondansetron IVP

Potential Clinical Skills (for review):
IV fluids
IVP medications: know over what time, compatibility with other fluids/medications, and dilution, and ONSET.
Foley insertion
Urine specimen collection
Oxygen delivery 
Central Lines (PICC, Port-A-Cath, Triple Lumen, Groshong, Hickman)


Pathophysiology   Potential Complications


















Assessment (Labs & Diagnostics AND Signs & Symptoms)    Nursing Interventions

















Medical Treatment   Teaching (pt/family)

















Generic/Trade Medication:


Drug Class

Mechanism of Action (ADME)







Nursing Considerations VS, labs, assessments, etc


Dose range

Side Effects/Adverse Effects (black box warnings)






Patient Education





Generic/Trade Medication:


Drug Class

Mechanism of Action (ADME)







Nursing Considerations VS, labs, assessments, etc


Dose range

Side Effects/Adverse Effects (black box warnings)






Patient Education





Generic/Trade Medication:


Drug Class

Mechanism of Action (ADME)







Nursing Considerations VS, labs, assessments, etc


Dose range

Side Effects/Adverse Effects (black box warnings)






Patient Education





Pathophysiology   Potential Complications


















Assessment (Labs & Diagnostics AND Signs & Symptoms)    Nursing Interventions

















Medical Treatment   Teaching (pt/family)

















Generic/Trade Medication:


Drug Class

Mechanism of Action (ADME)







Nursing Considerations VS, labs, assessments, etc


Dose range

Side Effects/Adverse Effects (black box warnings)






Patient Education





Generic/Trade Medication:


Drug Class

Mechanism of Action (ADME)







Nursing Considerations VS, labs, assessments, etc


Dose range

Side Effects/Adverse Effects (black box warnings)






Patient Education





Generic/Trade Medication:


Drug Class

Mechanism of Action (ADME)







Nursing Considerations VS, labs, assessments, etc


Dose range

Side Effects/Adverse Effects (black box warnings)






Patient Education





Pathophysiology   Potential Complications


















Assessment (Labs & Diagnostics AND Signs & Symptoms)    Nursing Interventions

















Medical Treatment   Teaching (pt/family)

















Generic/Trade Medication:


Drug Class

Mechanism of Action (ADME)







Nursing Considerations VS, labs, assessments, etc


Dose range

Side Effects/Adverse Effects (black box warnings)






Patient Education





Generic/Trade Medication:


Drug Class

Mechanism of Action (ADME)







Nursing Considerations VS, labs, assessments, etc


Dose range

Side Effects/Adverse Effects (black box warnings)






Patient Education





Generic/Trade Medication:


Drug Class

Mechanism of Action (ADME)







Nursing Considerations VS, labs, assessments, etc


Dose range

Side Effects/Adverse Effects (black box warnings)






Patient Education





NUR 392



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