solved. Question
Asked by sonika00
General Practice Medical Clinic. There is one Enrolled Nurse working at the practice. There is a midwife there who is taking ante natal visits for the morning, and one GP. The EN is in charge of the daily dressings for clients attending the clinic and has a busy morning with 8 clients booked in for change of dressings. You have taken down the first clients dressing, and have been called away to assist with restraining a child for immunisation. You have 3 clients waiting in the waiting room for their dressing to be attended, and one is very grumpy and makes a sarcastic remark as they see you enter the Doctors immunisation clinic. The GP is stressed with the non compliant child and requests your help for the remaining 2 siblings. You return to your client 20 minutes later to find they have tried to leave the room in search of you and have fallen and lacerated their arm and bruised their cheek. The angry client in the waiting room is there and fires abuse at you on your return.