solved. Question
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Asked by Blessedtrini79
Examine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis) for 2 different government agencies in relation to communicable diseases and chronic illnesses. (Note: These agencies do not include the agency with whom you will work in Step 2 of this assessment.)
Research 2 different government agencies to understand and learn about their missions. Select the agencies from the following:
Homeless shelters
Senior centers
Childcare facilities
Places of worship
Community organizations
Jails or prisons
Mental health facilities
National Council on Aging
Community clinics
Develop questions and methods for data collection at each agency.
Assess how each agency currently manages and addresses communicable diseases and chronic illnesses, including vaccination administration.
Conduct a SWOT analysis for each of the agencies:
Assess internal strengths within each agency in relation to its mission.
Assess internal weaknesses faced by each agency in relation to its mission.
Assess external environmental threats facing the agency.
Assess external opportunities available to the agency.
NSG 486