1. What is the benefit of screening for HTN and early diagnosis and treatment in children ? How does. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by HighnessManateePerson246
What is the benefit of screening for HTN and early diagnosis and treatment in children?
How does this improve health outcomes?
At what point would you decide to initiate pharmacologic therapy?
What non-pharmacologic treatment would you recommend?
2. Please describe the relationship between HTN and pregnancy?
Please identify a specific Guideline that recommends treatment for pregnancy women that develop HTN during their pregnancy and how you would treat them.
3. Consideration of the patient’s age and co-morbidities is important when treating patients with hypertension. Please prescribe appropriate treatment plan including pharmacologic (dosage, frequency) and non-pharmacologic treatments as indicated with brief rationale.
Specific Cases
13 year old Caucasian male with BMI of 25 and BP of 136/86
20 year old Asian female with BP 150/60 and BMI 27
30 year-old Caucasian female that is 4 months pregnant with HTN
40-year-old black male with HTN, BMI 28 and DM2
55-year-old Asian female with HTN and CRI
68-year-old black male s/p MI with HTN
85-year-old Caucasian female with heart failure, CKD & HTN
1. What is the benefit of screening for HTN and early diagnosis and treatment in children ? How does