1. What is ergonomic hazard? 2. Workplace Stress (causes, factors, and prevention) 3. Biological Haz. Question
Answered step-by-step
Asked by Swinta
1. What is ergonomic hazard?
2. Workplace Stress (causes, factors, and prevention)
3. Biological Hazards in the workplace (causes, prevention, and control)
4. Bullying and Violence in the workplace, factors contributing to it and how can we prevent it? (causes, factors, and prevention)
5. How can we make the workplace healthy and safe for employees? Do you have new or innovative ideas? Suggestions and recommendations.
6. You can relate the proposal to your field or program and think of potential health and safety hazards and how you can be proactive in controlling such hazards.
7. You can use statistics and graphs to assess the situation and help you in reasoning and questioning how you can improve the current situation in a workplace.
8..Can you address issues related to working from home due to the pandemic?
GNED 126
1. What is ergonomic hazard? 2. Workplace Stress (causes, factors, and prevention) 3. Biological Haz